Golden Eyes: A Brief History Of Decorative Understanding @ K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery

Golden Eyes: A Brief History Of Decorative Understanding
Lecture By Alex Estorick at K2 Academy of Contemporary Jewellery
Cockpit Arts, London
26th February 2020 / 6:30 - 8:30pm
For centuries, decorative arts have been considered separately from fine art, with museums continuing to display functional, ‘applied‘ arts apart from those of primarily aesthetic consideration. Yet art‘s contemporary meaning has always depended on its decorative appearance. Proof of this lies in the almost uncanny similarity between the language employed in the 9th century to discuss Byzantine mosaics and that used to explain modernist paintings in the 20th. This talk seeks to come to terms with the changing significance of the decorative over time as well as some remarkable consistencies in our understanding of images across history.
After studying Art History at Cambridge, Alex Estorick trained as a tailor on Savile Row. He is now Head of History of Art at Stowe School, Buckinghamshire. He also writes and proofreads for Frieze Magazine with a particular interest in the boundaries between art, craft and mass media images.
K2 Academy is a Jewellery School that offers a conceptual, free-thinking approach to jewellery design underpinned by rigorous technical training. In addition to our ongoing jewellery classes. K2 Jewellery Academy is dedicated to offer master classes and workshops by internationally renowned academics.
T: +44 (0)7450 257 207 / +44 (0)7786 911 724
Education Space at Cockpit Arts, Holborn.
Please ring 'Education Space' doorbell by the main entrance of Cockpit Arts (West Wing).