Fair Luxury Open House

Fair Luxury Open House
Wednesday 18th January , 2:30 PM
Fair Luxury Open House: Inclusion in the industry: what it means to be an LGBTQIA+ person within the jewellery profession
In the historically conservative world of jewellery, we want to examine and shed light on the challenges being faced by and positive contributions made by, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, both as industry professionals and also our potential customers.
In this Open House panel discussion, we will explore the challenges; from the lack of representation to the use of language and self-awareness of learned behaviours and biases, as well as the positive affects diversity has in any industry, and the opportunity to discover how we can ensure that our industry is open and inclusive to all.
With the help of our panellists we will delve into what it means to be an LGBTQIA+ person within our industry and also how we, as jewellery professionals are perceived by LGBTQIA+ people outside of the trade.
Our guests will also give their thoughts on how we can market to the LGBTQIA+ community to welcome more people in and create lasting change.
Register: zoom.us