Dialogues About Responsible Jewellery - JOYA Barcelona on Zoom

Origen Collective - Gold for Future:
Dialogues About Responsible Jewellery
Zoom Lecture
5.00pm (GMT), 12 November 2020
As part of JOYA Barcelona part the Origen Collective invite attendees to a lecture via Zoom, of the Origen - Gold for Future collective, about the social commitment of Responsible Jewelry, on November 12 at 18:00 (Spanish time, 5.00pm UK time).
The concern for social commitment and sustainability in jewellery is becoming more important nowadays. In this scenario, the Dialogues on Responsible Jewellery are presented as a space for exchange and debate around the challenges and opportunities of this new conception of jewellery that is committed to the use of ethical materials from responsible mining and circuits of fair trade, as an alternative to human rights violations and environmental impacts derived from mining industry.
In the framework of JOYA Barcelona, we invite you to participate in two virtual conversations with different artists involved in the jewellery production processes: a first conversation with Anny Jaramillo, member of a mining organization, and Patrick Schein, supplier of noble metals; a second conversation with Arabel Lebrusan and Roc Majoral, two jewellers with different experiences in the field of responsible jewellery. Both conversations will be led by Salvador Hernández, editorial coordinator of Gold and Time.
The initiative of ORIGEN - Gold for Future collective, is made up of eight jewelery firms established in Barcelona and by the ONG Medicus Mundi Mediterrània, which claims another possible way of making jewellery in which creative and aesthetic expression acquires as much relevance as the values of sustainability and social justice.
“An ethical jewel is as valuable for those who wear it as for all those involved in its cycle; it is an engine of social and environmental transformation ”.
Date : November 12, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. (Spanish time)
Duration: 90 minutes (two conversations of 45 minutes each in Spanish)
Place: virtual mode, through the Zoom Platform
Cost: free activity (requires prior registration)
Registration: https://bit.ly/Dialogos12nov /
More information: www.medicusmundi.cat / @origen_goldforfuture
Contact: estel.peix@medicusmundi.es / 652 46 95 02