Catherine Hills take over of Gill Wing

Catherine Hills take over of Gill Wing Jewellery


Gill Wing Jewellery, 182 Upper St, London N1 1RQ



Open to the Public


Take Over

Catherine Hills take over of Gill Wing Jewellery

for 20 Year Anniversary

To celebrate the twenty year anniversary of Gill Wing Jewellery, the gallery we invited our long time exhibitor Catherine Hills to create a window installation showing her design processes through sketchbook, tools and ephemera she uses in her work and still life styling.

Gill Wing also have used the launch of their new website launch to publish an interview with Hills' about her work with The Harry Potter films as welll as her own work life balance, sharing some tips when jewellery is both passion and your career.

The twenty year celebration will also involve a "10 Day Takeover" when the gallery will host Catherine on their Instagram account, starting on 1st May.


1 - 30 May 2018


Gill Wing Jewellery, 182 Upper St, London N1 1RQ

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg