40 Brooches for 40 Years


Dovecot Studios Ltd, 10 Infirmary St, Edinburgh EH1 1LT



Open to the Public


Selling Exhibition

40 Brooches for 40 Years

Dovecot Studios

7 – 29 August 2021

As part of its 40th anniversary celebrations, Dazzle presents 40 Brooches for 40 Years

This exhibition shows 40 makers from across the four decades who made a special brooch for the occasion. These one-off brooches are available to buy online at Lovedazzle or at our Edinburgh Festival Dazzle at Dovecot Studios 7 – 29 August 2021

Dovecot Studios Ltd10 Infirmary St, Edinburgh EH1 1LT

or www.lovedazzle.com

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg