1 Day Stone Setting Course with Cardinal of London


Craft Central, London. EC1M 4D



Students, Professionals


Short Course

1 Day Stone Setting Course
with Lukasz Pasikowski
from Cardinal of London

This course is design for a learner with previous practical experience in making jewellery.

Over the one day course you will be taught how to set gemstones using three techniques.

Learn from an experienced Jeweller

  • Learn stone setting techniques
  • Rub Over, 4 Claw , Flush (Gypsy) Setting
  • Take home a ready set piece of jewellery
  • 1 to 1, evening classes and consultations available

Level: Beginners

Times: 10:30am-5.00pm

Price: £110

Date: Saturday 8th April 2017

Venue: Craft Central, 33-35 St. John’s Square, London. EC1M 4DS

Enquiries: info@cardinaloflondon.com


promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg

promote with benchpeg