Potton Community

Public Art Commission


Public Art Commission


South East, Potton, Bedfordshire




Sally Wileman



Local Connections

The aim of this commission is to provide an exciting and complementary work of public art.

The panel wish to commission artwork that reflects the character of the Town and will not only maintain a link to its history, but generate aspirations for the site, connecting visitors and residents; ultimately encouraging guardianship and a strengthening local identity.

There is much inspiration for artwork on this site due to the rich heritage, distinctive natural habitat and exciting new public spaces - Hall for All and Community Orchard. There is enormous potential for local residents to become involved in and provide stories and memories for creative inspiration.

The arts panel wish to engage an artist to undertake a public art commission as part of the Section 106 commitment to this part of the new development. This brief describes the opportunity on offer and how the process will be conducted.

This public art commission offers the opportunity for an artist to design, develop and deliver permanent public artwork/s within or across the development.

The panel wish to appoint one or more artists, with experience of engaging with the community, to create quality, outdoor, public art meeting the aims of this brief which is robust, permanent and that require minimum maintenance.

Please request a copy of the Public Art Plan and Artist Brief if you wish to submit an initial application.

South East, Potton, Bedfordshire

Sally Wileman Pottonpublicart@btinternet.com